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Freethought Festival 2012 is being presented by the Madison Area Coalition of Reason (MadCoR). Each of our member organizations below seeks to hold high the light of reason in its own way, with its own emphasis, atmosphere and structure. If you see one that interests you, we encourage you to contact them. Our goal is to raise local awareness of our member organizations to help establish rewarding connections between groups and individuals who value a rational approach to the issues surrounding us in the world in which we find ourselves.

The Festival's host group and primary organizer is:

Atheists, Humanists, and Agnostics (AHA!) at the UW-Madison
Website: http://wiscatheists.blogspot.com/
Facebook Page
Email: wiscatheists@gmail.com

The other MadCoR member organizations are:

Atheists and Agnostics of Wisconsin
Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Atheists_Agnostics_WI/
Join the listserv: Atheists_Agnostics_WI-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Queries: RichardSRussell@tds.net
Phone: 608+233-5640 x4

Humanist Union of Madison
Website: http://humanist.madisonwi.us/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/humanistunion
Twitter: http://twitter.com/humanistunion
Email: humanistunion@gmail.com
Media: Humanism Today radio program

Madison Ethical Discussion Group
Facebook Page

Madison Skeptics
Website: http://skeptics.madisonwi.us/
Facebook page
Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/madisonskeptics/
Email: madisonskeptics@gmail.com

Secular Student Alliance @ UW-Whitewater
Website: http://www.secularstudents.org/uww
Facebook Page
Email: UWW(AT)secularstudents(DOT)org

Visitors to Madison may already be affiliated with similar organizations in their home towns. If not, you can check unitedcor.org/national/page/map for local coalition of reason organizations or www.secularstudents.org/affiliates for campus affiliates of the Secular Student Alliance.

Event Website Credits

Website design and domain provided at no charge to the festival by LoonFoot Web Designs.

Home page center panel graphic design by MadCoR Coordinator Leslie Starczewski.

Skyline photograph by Madison Skeptics co-founder John Rummel, who allowed us to remove the photo's most prominent feature, the moon. We regret needing to do that, and thought you should have a chance to see the original photo here.